List of known UFO Abduction Support Groups
New South Wales ( Aust. )
Independent Network of U.F.O. Researchers (INUFOR)
Contact: Moira McGhee P.O.Box 783 KOGARAH N.S.W. 2217 Phone / Fax: (02) 553 9406
U.F.O. Abductions and Contacts
Contact: Mr. Paul John Bonett P.O.Box 178 WENTWORTHVILLE N.S.W. 2145 Phone: (02) 671 6868
Australian UFO Encounters (Inc)
Contact: Mr. Matthew Favaloro P.O.Box 642 Parramatta N.S.W. 2150 Phone: ( 02 ) 968 72506
or Mr. Bob Marx ( 02 ) 9799 6843 e-mail
U.F.O. Research (NSW)
Contact: Mr. Paul Sowiak P.O.Box Q95 Queen Victoria Building SYDNEY N.S.W. 2000
Independent U.F.O. Researcher Barry Taylor
P.O.Box 1157 GRAFTON N.S.W. 2460 Phone: (066) 43 1695
Queensland ( Aust. )
U.F.O. Investigation Centre Queensland (UFOICQ)
Contact: Kay McCullock P.O.Box 805 SPRINGWOOD Qld. 4127 Phone: (07) 3245 1350
U.F.O. Research Queensland ( Gympie / Noosa Branch )
Contact: Roma Ravn P.O.Box 25 POMONA Qld. 4568 Phone: (074) 85 1396
U.F.O. Hotline For Sightings And Abduction Support Group Qld.
Contact: M Bargenquast 149 Traveston Road MS 624 GYMPIE Qld. 4570 Phone: (074) 852 116
U.F.O.Research Sunshine Coast
Contact: Jeffrey Spiro 11 Kulanda Street WURTULLA Qld. 4575
Phone: (074) 933 102 Fax: (074) 935 390
MUFON ( Mutual UFO Network ) Qld.
Contact: Rev. Glennys Mackay 106 Dykes Street
MT. GRATATT Qld. 4122 Phone / Fax (07) 3849 6450
U.F.O. Research Qld. (Inc)
Contact: Sheryl Demichelis P.O.Box 222 or 50 Albert Street BRISBANE Qld. 4002
Phone / Fax (07) 3256 3330
Victoria ( Aust. )
Interdimensional Contact Research Organisation
Contact: Diane Allen P.O.Box 1309 Vesper Drive NARRE WARREN Vic. 3805
Phone / Fax (03) 059 686 589
South Australia
The Australian U.F.O. Abduction Study Centre
Contact: Mr. Keith Basterfield G.P.O. Box 1894 ADELAIDE S.A. 5001
Phone: (08) 251 2773 Fax: (08) 231 9939 e-mail:
Australian International UFO Flying Saucer Research Inc
Contact: Mr. Colin Norris G.P.O. Box 2004 ADELAIDE S.A. 5001
Phone / Fax (08) 272 3131
Western Australia
The Western Australia UFO Abduction Support Group
Contact: Mrs. Irene Sanders P.O.Box 217 MELVILLE W.A. 6156 Phone: (09) 3379408
Northern Territory ( Aust. )
Tasmania ( Aust.)
Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre. ( TUFOIC )
P.O.Box 174, South Hobart. Tasmania 7004
Phone: ( evenings only ) ( 03 ) 6223 6009 e-mail:
Other Countries
If you wish to be included on this www Support Group List contact Barry Taylor
This list was compiled from the ' Australian U.F.O. Link-Up Register. Compiled, printed and distributed by
Diane Allen (see contact above). UFO Researchers are invited to be included in this great Register.
Thank you for all your hard work Diane.